Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sailing with Vespucci - 546 Words

Sailing with Vespucci If I were to ride aboard the ship in the age of exploration, I would choose Amerigo Vespucci. Amerigo was born in Florence, Italy on March 9, 1951. He was one of the first Europeans to believe that the land Columbus had discovered was not the Indies, but rather an entirely new continent. Because of this, the new land would be called the Americas, a feminized version of Amerigo. Amerigo was born in Florence, Italy, his parents, Ser Nastagio and Lisabetta Mini, were friends of the Medici, a very wealthy family that controlled Italy from the 1400s to 1737. When Amerigo was in his early 20s his uncle, who was the ambassador to France, sent him on a brief diplomatic mission to Paris. This trip probably sparked his fascination of travel. After that Amerigo held a number of different jobs that would teach him valuable lessons that would benefit later in his life. These included small business endeavors, being a banker, and even being involved with merchants who would supply Columbus’ journey across the Atlantic. On one occasion he even got to sit down with Columbus and talk to him about the new world. This conversation most likely inspired his adventures to the new world. So when Amerigo was in his 40s he decided to abandon his failing business venture and become an explorer, funded by queen Isabella of Spain, before he was too old to. It is believed that Amerigo left for his first voyage on May 10, 1497 from the port of Cadiz with a fleet ofShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Discovery of Amerigo Vespucci2518 Words   |  11 PagesThe Discovery of Amerigo Vespucci Who was Amerigo Vespucci? This is a question I asked myself as I was researching the man credited with the discovery of the new world. Much information has been written about Christopher Columbus and very little about Amerigo Vespucci. 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In his text/lecture â€Å"Henry Hudson (English Navigator and Explorer†, John Edwards Caswell argues that â€Å"A river, a strait, and a bay in North America is named for him† â€Å"Sailing from London on April 17,1610, in the 55-ton vessel Discovery, Hudson stopped briefly in Iceland, then proceeded to the â€Å"furious overfall. †Passing through it and entering Hudson Bay in ear ly August† â€Å"his discoveries formed the basis for the DutchRead MoreThe Revolution And The Reformation1432 Words   |  6 Pageshave it. The northern reaches of the new continent were claimed by Henry Hudson. In his text/lecture â€Å"Henry Hudson (English Navigator and Explorer†, John Edwards Caswell argues that â€Å"A river, a strait, and a bay in North America is named for him† â€Å"Sailing from London on April 17,1610, in the 55-ton vessel Discovery, Hudson stopped briefly in Iceland, then proceeded to the â€Å"furious overfall. †Passing through it and entering Hudson Bay in early August† â€Å"his discoveries formed the basis for the Dutch

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